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12-6-2004 1:20 a.m.

There comes a time when every player meets his or her match.

I thought it happened to me when I met Joe. I actually stayed faithful to him for the entire three and a half weeks we went out. I wasn't even chatting up my guys online. A few of my friends thought I might have been taken over by the pod people.

Joe's gone now, though. And play has resumed.

Not so for JQ.

I met JQ shortly before my birthday in October. He's quite attractive, and quite popular with the ladies. A player. We had a brief flirtation and made out one night and had a good time at it, but it just didn't really gel for us.

Crystal and I ran into him one night about two weeks after our "encounter," I guess you'd call it. We went to Neighbors where we were supposed to meet Tom, my on again off again, nerve shattering, pain in the ass, once in a while lay. He called, I was weak, I said yes.

But I digress. We walked in the door and there was JQ. Go figure. He gave me a hug and said, "Uh oh, I'm in trouble now." I knew immediately that meant he was there with another girl. I didn't care, of course, but I didn't want to look desperate and pathetic so thank God Tom was on his way. Geez, I never thought I'd hear myself say that. That asshole.

Anyway, JQ was there with Abby. I didn't know her name at that name, but I have since come to know many things of the ways of Abby during the progression of my odd but strangely satisfying friendship with JQ. She's 22, and a student. Apparently she used to be JQ's next door neighbor. Personally, my take is, never find sex where you live. You find it elsewhere and bring it home, and then you send it away. You can't send neighbors away.

He really liked her, but she informed him he wasn't boyfriend material. Fuck buddies was all they could be. So on moved JQ. He meets a lot of women (many of them married, for some strange reason)so he has plenty of opportunities. But he's suddenly decided to quit the player life, and find a monogamous relationship. No more sex outside a monogamous relationship. So he's searching. And searching. And searching. But he can't find a girl that's interested.

So we're chatting one night, and he's hinting around that he'd like a booty call. I was with Joe by this point, so I'm not interested. But suddenly he says he's got a booty call from Abby and lickety split, he's gone.

But he couldn't perform. Couldn't get it up.

Fast forward to last night. He comes over to do laundry at 11 pm at my place, and we're hanging out, and Abby calls. Three times. She's drunk, she's horny, and needs a ride home. He says he doesn't think she wants to ask for ride, and I say, she shouldn't be walking home like that. He agress, and off he goes to find her and give her a "ride." He takes forever, and finally I'm just too tired to go on. I need sleep. I try to text him but he doesn't reply. I text again, and still nothing. He must really be getting his groove on, so I just text him to say I'm headed to bed. He shows up a few minutes later and tells me he had a hell of a time finding her but finally did stumble upon her. She's horny -- but she doesn't want to wait until they get back to her place. So she suggests they do it right there under the Ferry Street Bridge by EWEB. And JQ tries to comply ... but he can't. He figures he can get her off, at least, and she comes so hard she "sprays" him. But he still can't get it up.

He's laying there on my bed, telling me this, and it dawned on me. "You really like her, don't you. JQ likes a girl, JQ likes a girl." He replies, "I don't just want to be her drunk dial."

Wow. Match, set and game.

12-6-2004 1:20 a.m.

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